Tag Archives: Alumni recruitment

New Recruitment Toys, Gamification & Rehiring – #TruLondon 8

8 Sep

TruLondon 8

Last Thursday saw the first UK Talent Net Live event, brought to London by Craig Fisher followed on Friday by the 8th edition of the #TruLondon Recruitment Unconference, organised by Bill Boorman and Aki Kakko.

On the Friday especially I came across a few useful recruitment tools and strategies I thought I’d share.  Anyone that’s been to a tru event will know they can sometimes be a little chaotic, but I’m pretty certain most of what I’ve remembered is accurate!

The Recruitment Reconnextions Strategy

This wasn’t actually covered by any of the tracks at tru, but while listening to Arie Ball, VP Talent Acquisition of Sodexo US explain their approach towards mobile recruiting, she briefly referred to their Alumni community called Sodexo Reconnextions. On the surface its easy to think it’s an Alumni network like any other, but after having a more in-depth discussion with Arie it was interesting to discover the effort that goes into maintaining this community for specific goals.  One such goal is to keep engaged with high performers that leave the company with the longer term objective of attracting them back to Sodexo at some point in the the future.

Alumni Recruitment StrategiesWhen an employee leaves Sodexo US, they receive an invite both via email and snail mail to join the Sodexo Reconnextions group.  A communication plan is in place for the group and members have access to regular webinars on a variety of topics from CV Tips and Interview Skills to Personal Financial Planning. Internally line managers are actively asked by the recruitment team to name at least 1 member of staff they wished had not left the company.   These high performers form part of a sub group that the recruiters can target in the future.   Often people leave thinking the grass is greener, but in the instance that down the line the reality is different, the Sodexo reconnextions strategy ensures that their brand is always at the forefront of  persons mind career wise. By providing useful information and support Sodexo improve the chances of attracting back high performers.  So far the programme seems pretty successful with around 10% of the people within the reconnextions group estimated to have been rehired.

Cool Recruitment Tools

Gamification in RecruitmentQue Social –Another tool Arie demonstrated.  This is a recruitment gamification platform that Sodexo uses to help leverage the social networks of their employees.  Employees create a profile on the platform and link up their social media accounts and contact details.  The platform supports content curation which the recruitment team use to schedule engaging messages about brand initiatives, company news, jobs etc that the employees with Que Social accounts receive by SMS and/or email. The messages have a headline and small description of the underlying story and a hyperlink that if clicked will instantly share the content to the users various social media accounts registered in their Que Social profile.

All the links are trackable and feed into a dashboard the recruitment team have access to. The dashboard illustrates metrics relating to any content sharing activity, which platforms are hooked up, frequency of shares etc.  The data can be used to reward or provide incentives to users.  It looks like a great tool, a simple way to turn your employees into brand ambassadors and introduce simple game mechanics into the recruitment process

Joberate Signal Recuritment PipelineJoberate Signal – If you’re looking for a tool that easily allows you to create talent pipelines,  and monitors that pipeline to automatically inform you that an individual may be looking for a new job, then check out Joberate Signal.  Once you’re logged into the platform you simply create a folder or folders which you then populate with bookmarked social profiles (like LinkedIn or Twitter) of the individuals you want to keep an eye on (you can also bulk import candidate data via a csv file).  The tool monitors changes in the online behaviour of these candidates and then notifies you when they may be considering a move, thus allowing you to pro-actively approach them.  It’s simple to use and because it’s linked to active social profiles your database will never be static and out of date.

Recruitment GamificationConnect Cubed – This is a candidate assessment platform that uses gaming technology to determine a match between your roles and the personality and smarts of a candidate.  Rather than being used after an application is made, or during the latter part of a recruitment process, the Connect Cubed platform delivers pre-application tests and simulations.  In theory, armed with this data you’ll be able to determine more accurately who to invite or not to invite to an interview, saving both you and the candidate valuable time.

That’s a quick update of a some of the tools and tactics I picked up at #TruLondon.  You can see a full list of what was discussed and find out about a host of other tools that were on show at the following address: http://www.globaltru.com/event/trulondon8/.